Product Description:
Moisturising skincare oil, a concentrated oil that can also be used for hair styling. It is a larger size that is easy to use on a wide range of areas such as the face and hair. It contains 10 types of plant-derived ingredients including Moringa oil. Other ingredients include Calendula oil (display name: calendula flower extract), Macadamia nut oil, Argan oil, which are carefully formulated with ingredients that are not sticky or greasy, giving it moisturising effect.
保湿・スキンケアオイル、ヘアセットにもお使いいただけるコンセントレートオイル。顔や髪など、広範囲にも使用しやすい大きめサイズです。 モリンガオイルなど10 種の植物由来成分を配合しています。モリンガオイル(表示名称:ワサビノキ種子油)、カレンデュラオイル(表示名称:トウキンセンカ花エキス)を始め、その他の成分もマカダミアナッツオイル、アルガンオイルなど、さらりとしてべとつきやテカリが少なく、保湿につながるこだわりの成分を調合しています。
Fragrance characteristics:
Using essential oils extracted from lavender, rosemary, and sweet orange, creates a warm and herbal scent that is characterized by its floral softness. The healing aroma is procured from plants that naturally give you energy.
① When you want to moisturise a large area
② For delicate skin
③ For dry skin
① 広い範囲を保湿したいときに
② デリケートな皮膚のケアに
③ 乾燥が気になるお肌に
Recommended for a person who:
・wants to use plenty of oil on both hair and skin
・prefers a refreshing herbal scent
・wants to enjoy the scent whilst taking care of their skin
Main Ingredient description:
Moringa oil (INCI name: Moringa Oleifera Seed Oil)
Moringa is a plant that has been used since ancient times in "Ayurveda" originating from India and Sri Lanka. 〈Into Oil〉uses a generous amount of oil that is carefully cold-pressed from moringa seeds native to India, without the use of heat or solvents. It contains many components similar to human sebum, penetrates well into the stratum corneum, and has a high affinity for the skin.
モリンガは、インドやスリランカの伝統的な医療「アーユルヴェーダ」で、古代から利用されてきた植物のひとつです。〈Into Oil〉では、インド原産のモリンガの種から、熱や溶剤を使わずに丁寧にコールドプレス抽出したオイルを贅沢に使用。人の皮脂に近い成分を多く含み、サラッとした使い心地なので、角質層への浸透性がよく、肌への親和性が高いのが特徴です。
Ingredient :
Moringa seed oil, Jojoba oil, Macadamia nut oil, Sunflower oil, Argania spinosa oil, Calendula officinalis flower extract, Tocopherol, Lavender oil, Rosemary oil, Orange oil
Usage Precautions:
・Properly check that there are no abnormalities on your skin before using.
・Please stop using these cosmetics if they do not suit your skin, especially in the following cases listed below. If you continue to use these cosmetics and the symptoms continue to worsen, we recommend that you consult a dermatologist.
① If you experience any abnormalities such as redness, swelling, itchiness, irritation, color loss (white spots etc.) or darkening during use.
② If any of the above abnormalities appear on the used skin after being exposed to direct sunlight.
・Do not use it on areas with an abnormality such as a wound, swelling or eczema.
・After use, be sure to close the lid tightly and keep it out of reach of children.
・Do not store in extremely hot or cold places, or in direct sunlight.