Jet setter Mr Hatade travels both domestically and internationally. We asked him about how he manages his health while on the move and how he switches between ON and OFF.

必ず持っていくのは国内外問わず、マイシャンプーとマイ歯ブラシ、化粧水(Into Lotion)です。妻が自分の身体に触れるものにはこだわりを持っていて、その影響で私も気を遣うようになりました。
シャンプーは、無添加のものを使いたいんです。ホテルのものは何が入っているのかわからないので、安心して使えるものを持って行っています。歯ブラシも、携帯電動式の自分のものを使うことで環境配慮したいと思っています。Into Lotionは、海外に行くときの長時間フライトの時なんかは特に乾燥が気になるので持って行っています。機内でも使うし、もちろん現地についてからのスキンケアにも使えるので重宝しています。これ一本でもかなり保湿されるし、香りもお気に入り。容器を入れ替えなくても、海外にそのまま持っていけるサイズなのもいいですね。
ON = Jet setter
- Could you share how you spend your time on flights and what you always bring with you?
In the past, I used to bring books to read, but now I prefer to keep my luggage light, so I download movies onto my phone to watch during flights, which has become my recent standard.
I always bring my shampoo, toothbrush, and moisturizer (Into Lotion), whether I'm traveling domestically or internationally. My wife is particular about what touches her body, and that has influenced me to be more mindful as well.
- Why shampoo, toothbrush, and moisturizer?
I want to use natural shampoo. I can't trust what’s in the hotel products, so I take something I can use safely. For my toothbrush, I prefer a portable electric one to be environmentally conscious. I bring Into Lotion especially for long-haul flights, as I’m particularly concerned about dryness. I use it on the plane and for skincare after arriving, so it's quite useful. It provides me with moisture and has a scent I love. The size is also convenient, allowing me to take it abroad without needing to switch containers.
- Thank you! It seems you really take care of yourself.
I think self-care is often seen as something for women, but it’s important for men too. Looking at countries like Korea, I feel Japan is particularly lagging behind in this regard. Caring for your skin from a young age is very important. I believe people in their 30s and 40s should be conscious of what they apply to their skin and what they ingest. It’s too late to realize it later, right? (laughs) Into has a smart package, making it easy for men to use as well.

そうですね。遠くまで運転することもあります。一人で長時間運転すると流石に疲れてくるので、赤信号の時に手首や首に塗って軽くマッサージしたり、香りに癒されたり、Into Oilでリフレッシュしています。とにかく小さいので、場所を選ばずいつでも使いやすいですね。
OFF = Spending a day off in the car
—Do you often drive for long hours?
Yes, I do drive long distances. When I’m driving alone for a long time, I inevitably get tired, so I take the opportunity at red lights to apply some to my wrists and neck and give myself a light massage, or refresh myself with the scent of Into Oil. It’s compact, so it’s easy to use anywhere, anytime.
—Do you pay attention to your inner health?
After overseas business trips or a series of dinners, my nutrition tends to get unbalanced, so my wife prepares a well-balanced breakfast for me. I also incorporate (Into Direct) into that routine. My wife drinks it too, and it’s one of our favorites among the various options we’ve tried. Nutritional sticks often have a unique flavor that makes you think it’s good for you, but I usually don’t stick with them. However, I’ve continued with this one. Maybe it’s the sweetness of the brown sugar? I finished it quickly. I’ve been noticing the benefits, feeling like my internal functions have improved.

海外出張後や会食続きの時、栄養が偏りがちになるので妻がバランスの取れた朝ごはんを用意してくれるんです。そこにさらにダイレクト(Into Direct)も取り入れていますね。妻も一緒に飲んでいるのですが、今まで色々試してきた中でもお気に入りです。こういうスティックタイプの栄養取れるものって、だいたい独特な風味があって、身体に良さそうだから飲もうと思うんですが結局続かないことが多くて。でもこれは続いてますね。黒糖の甘みがいいのかな?すぐ飲みきっちゃいました。継続していると効果を感じてきて、内臓の機能が良くなっているように感じます。
- Do you pay attention to your inner health?
After overseas business trips or a series of dinners, my nutrition tends to get unbalanced, so my wife prepares a well-balanced breakfast for me. I also incorporate (Into Direct) into that routine. My wife drinks it too, and it’s one of our favorites among the various options we’ve tried. Nutritional sticks often have a unique flavor that makes you think it’s good for you, but I usually don’t stick with them. However, I’ve continued with this one. Maybe it’s the sweetness of the brown sugar? I finished it quickly. I’ve been noticing the benefits, feeling like my internal functions have improved.
幡手剛 / Hatade Tsuyoshi
photo = Satoki Inada
text = Nanako Fujimaki